
Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Fractions-Mixed numbers-Improper Fractions

We are learning how to convert improper fractions to mixed numbers but to also do the opposite.

Once I got the hang of converting them it made it so more easier. I whizzed through this with ease. Mrs Davan my teacher taught me and my class some easy strategies. That was the main thing that helped me.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Screencastify explaining how to use Algorithms

We are learning to make a sreencastify showing how to use algorithms

This is my screencastify explaining how to use algorithms. I have learned how to use algorithms and now I am showing other people how to. It is simple but complicated so watch this video to learn more about algorithms.

Tuesday, September 3, 2019


We are learning about algorithms and how to use them.

When I did this I whizzed through it. My teacher gave me such a great explanation on how to use algorithms.  It was so easy.  I find algorithms fun now that I know how to use them.

Monday, September 2, 2019

Squawk Squad-Kauri Die Back

Kauri Die back is a disease that is targeting a specific tree in New Zealand called the Kauri tree. This disease has no cure. The disease is mainly carried by people that's why you would see cleaning stations for your shoes so you don't carry the disease into Kauri parks. Also stay on track so that you know your not harming the Kauri tree. Also when you leave you should wash your shoes so you can help the Kauri Trees everywhere.

This is the video about how to use the cleaning station's enjoy

Kauri Tree life cycle

We are learning about Kauri Die back and the life cycle of the Kauri tree. Reflection: In this screencastify it talks about the stages and life of a Kauri tree. The Kauri tree are native to New Zealand and they are Dying out because of the disease Kauri Die Back. The Kauri also take's along time to grow and this is all the stages it has before producing more seeds and creating more Kauri Tree.